Abilities Network’s Move Management Services provides personalized relocation services to support your transition into a new home by planning, de-cluttering, coordinating and re-settling in to your new space.  To better understand how we can help, here is a story of one of our clients:

Mrs. P. lived in her home for 46 years. Both children are grown, and she is widowed. Her home had become the extended family’s storage space for all sorts of items, from her children’s yearbooks to unused furniture, tools, and even an old car. She even offered temporary housing to extended family members who were in a crisis. As time went by, they have showed no signs of leaving, helping pay the bills, or assisting around the house.  Mrs. P was overwhelmed. She could no longer navigate the stairs, maintain the yard, or take care of the house. She and her family decided she needed to downsize and move to a more manageable senior apartment. The apartment community had elevators and easy access to laundry facilities in addition to social activities for its residents. As Mrs. P. began to think about preparing for her move, she did not know what to do about all of the stored items. Her son had medical issues and could not be of much help in resolving the problems. Her daughter did not know where to begin to assist her mother. Together, Mrs. P and her daughter called to ask Abilities Network for help. 

Leaving the familiarity of her home that housed a lifetime of memories and accumulated possessions was not easy. The emotional and physical work of downsizing was daunting. When a person has a mobility or self care disability, the challenges are greatly multiplied. 

Through the services provided by  Abilities Network’s Move Management Services, Mrs. P made progress in taking care of her own needs and resolving her housing problems. Abilities Network helped her to sort through her things so that she could decide what to move into her new apartment. We helped her plan furniture placement for her new home, and created an implementation timeline and shared it with the entire family, including her “guests.” As soon as her new apartment was available, we packed the things she decided to move, coordinated movers, unpacked, helped her settle into her new home, and coordinated the clean out of her former home. As a result of these  services, Mrs. P. was able to move into her new home and begin to enjoy it on the first day! When Abilities Network staff left, the beds were made, lamps were on, telephones and television were working, all of her belongings were put away and had a new home. Abilities Network even took away all of the packing materials.    

Move Management Testimonials

As Abilities Network Move Management Services staff members, we pride ourselves in having the highest level of customer satisfaction.  We constantly hear, “I could have never done this without you!”  Below are just some of the testimonials from our happy clients and partners:

“Thank you for all that Abilities Network did to make my move to my new home the most enjoyable move I have ever had. I have moved many times in my 75 years, but none were as smooth and easy as this one” – Mrs. B., a former satisfied client.

“From day one you communicated with me through either e-mail or telephone, no matter what time or day it was. Your constant communication was very reassuring to both my husband and me. The floor plan for the new place with all the little cutouts was really an amazing and effective way for us to see where things would be placed and how they would fit. Heather, you are so knowledgeable about the senior population. Mom felt very comfortable going through her clothes, especially the purses and the ‘leopard’ warm-up. You sensed when sorting became too overwhelming and stopped immediately. Your empathy for the elderly is unparalleled! The look of amazement on mom’s face when she saw her things in the new apartment was absolute joy for everyone involved. Priceless!” – Leslie, daughter a former pleased client.

We also receive delightful letters from clients and family members of our clients; check out this one!

Click here to find out what other people are saying!

Speaker Series Testimonial

“After becoming a senior citizen (quite a while ago I might add), I assumed there was nothing else I needed to learn.  However, age presents new financial, medical, and social problems to be dealt with.  I was pleased to discover that the Senior Speaker Series of the Abilities Network offers a series of lectures to help with these problems. Heather Murphy and her staff are gracious hosts for these lectures and, if you need additional incentives, they are free and snacks are provided” –  Mr. H., a satisfied attendee.