We are all excited that our communities are opening up and we can get back to more in-person supports! Our guidelines for activities keep the safety of everyone in mind. Masks will still be needed for a while, as the majority of individuals in our services and staff are not vaccinated. We will continue to assess our guidelines as vaccination numbers and safety for all increases. If you have any questions about your unique situations, give your Program Director a call so we can be flexible and thoughtful in our application of these guidelines. Generally, here is what you can expect:
- We will call ahead and make sure you and everyone you live with is feeling well before we start services. If you or anyone is sick in your home, we will reschedule or switch to video supports.
- During services we will all practice good hygiene, using hand sanitizer or washing hands when possible and covering mouth and nose when sneezing.
- Outdoor activities are safest and always our first choice of activity.
- For indoor activities, we will find spaces that allow us to avoid crowds, social distance and where everyone is masked as much as possible.
- We can drive together with our masks on. We will sit as far apart as we can inside the car and drive with windows down whenever possible.
- We want to spend as little time in the car or other small, enclosed spaces as possible. This is a great time to explore alternative transportation options and natural transportation supports.
- Let’s eat or drink outside where we can social distance whenever possible.
- Eating or drinking inside will only be scheduled if both you and the staff you are working with are vaccinated. We will need proof of vaccination before scheduling indoor eating activities.
- Both you and the staff you are working with must wear your masks unless eating or drinking. Virtual supports on Zoom will always be available for anyone who prefers to meet that way.
- If you aren’t vaccinated and are exposed to someone who has COVID-19, we will wait 10 days and make sure you are free of symptoms before we meet in person again. We can always meet on Zoom. If you have been vaccinated, you don’t need to need to isolate.
- Let us know as soon as possible if you test positive for COVID-19. We will stay in touch and provide any phone or Zoom supports as you wish. After 10 days, if your fever is gone and your other symptoms have subsided, we can resume in person services.
We know it is a confusing time to decide what you are comfortable doing, what is safe and how much risk you want to take each day. As you wonder what activities you are comfortable participating in, check out the CDC’s web page with guidance on the levels of risk: CDC Guidance for Community Activities
Please reach out to Lyn Elliott, CEO at lelliott@abilitiesnetwork.org or 443-761-1883 or Kathy Naviasky, COO at knaviasky@abilitiesnetwork.org or 443-900-6462 with any questions!